SeeBellPhotos: Blog en-us (C) SeeBellPhotos (SeeBellPhotos) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:22:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:22:00 GMT SeeBellPhotos: Blog 120 80 Thinking Positive Thinking positive, or the ability to think positive in any situation is one of the best tools one can arm themselves with on the journey of life.  Situations of bliss and happiness make it easy to think positive, but being able to think positive in stressful situations or circumstances will ultimately prove its value.  At first the use of this very important tool may display its value in the most subtle of ways.  But thinking positive thoughts in stressful situations and/or circumstances for long periods of time will ultimately build complete mastery of self control which will unlock true freedom.  The value of using this tool over and over again will ultimately serve to physically elevate the individual user to the place he sees for himself within his mind.

(SeeBellPhotos) Sat, 23 Sep 2017 19:10:46 GMT
Being Positive This blog post is just a reminder to BE POSITIVE! No matter what obstacles you face, no matter how difficult things seem to be, having a positive attitude, a REAL positive attitude will release the inner energy you need to overcome.  It is so important to understand this basic principle at whatever age you may be.  Its never too early or too late to be positive in any situation.  You will discover that being positive will bring you a certain level of confidence as well as relieve stress.  Be positive my friends.

(SeeBellPhotos) Sun, 10 Sep 2017 08:42:07 GMT